Spring 2025 Directors Board:
President: Luke Eakin - eakinlr@miamioh.edu
Presidential Advisor: Jack McCarthy- mccar192@miamioh.edu
Secretary: Aidan Schmidt- schmi230@miamioh.edu
Head of Standards: Scarlett Purser- pursersr@miamioh.edu
Standards: Katie McGurn, Austin Kinnett, Reid Haynes, Joey Vinel
VP of Finance: David Ventura - venturdg@miamioh.edu
AVPF: Katie McGurn- mcgurnkd@miamioh.edu
Director of Fundraising: Owen Temple - templeol@miamioh.edu
VP of Membership: CJ Munoz - munozcj@miamioh.edu
Director of Recruitment: Brigid Nagle - naglebf2@miamioh.edu
New Member Education: Alex Taylor & Evan Henry taylo721@miamioh.edu henryet@miamioh.edu
Membership Wellness: Blake Bolinski bolinsbj@miamioh.edu
VP of Communications: Ella Yorn - yornee@miamioh.edu
AVPC: Ian Miller - milleriw@miamioh.edu
Director of Social Events: Ellie Miller - mill1982@miamioh.edu
Director of Marketing: Emma Becker - becker76@miamioh.edu
Director of Merch: Brady Smith - smithb85@miamioh.edu
VP of External: Carson Porter - porter53@miamioh.edu
AVPE: Nick Madison - madisonh@miamioh.edu
DEI Chair: Onur Tektas - tektaso@miamioh.edu
Director of Philanthropy: Zach Popham - pophamze@miamioh.edu
Director of Alumni Relations: Elaine Schaft - schaftem@miamioh.edu
Current Member Roster
Name | Email | Class | Major | Year
Julia Houser | houserj3@miamioh.edu | Beta | Finance | Senior
Gavin Shields | shieldgt@miamioh.edu | Beta | Accounting | Senior
Dominic Vernon | vernonda@miamioh.edu | Beta | Supply Chain Management | Senior
Maeve O'Leary | olearyme@miamioh.edu | Gamma | Supply Chain Management | Senior
Josh Birtcher | birtchjm@miamioh.edu | Delta | Urban & Regional Planning | Senior
Noah Bonnett | bonnetnj@miamioh.edu | Delta | Business Economics | Junior
Alan Feldmansky | feldma10@miamioh.edu | Delta | Finance | Senior
Austin Kinnett | kinnetaj@miamioh.edu | Delta | Finance | Senior
Lina Miesse | miesselr@miamioh.edu | Delta | Environmental Science | Junior
Ellie Miller | mill1982@miamioh.edu | Delta | Data Analytics | Senior
David Ventura | venturdg@miamioh.edu | Delta | Accounting | Junior
Ella Winters | winterec@miamioh.edu | Delta | Real Estate | Junior
Lyz Bartoszewski | bartosek@miamioh.edu | Epsilon | Zoology | Senior
Blake Bolinski | bolinsbj@miamioh.edu | Epsilon | Finance | Senior
Mia Dietz | dietzmf@miamioh.edu | Epsilon | Psychology & Criminal Justice | Senior
Andrew Falk | falkar@miamioh.edu | Epsilon | Finance | Junior
Graham Gilkison | gilkisgd@miamioh.edu | Epsilon | Business Economics | Senior
Sean Lynch | lynchsp2@miamioh.edu | Epsilon | Finance | Senior
Thomas O'Reilly | oreilltf@miamioh.edu | Epsilon | Finance | Senior
Sydney Rice | ricesj2@miamioh.edu | Epsilon | Biology | Junior
Madison Richey | richeyml@miamioh.edu | Epsilon | Marketing | Senior
John Almond | almondjb@miamioh.edu | Zeta | Marketing | Sophomore
Taylor Brewer | brewertk@miamioh.edu | Zeta | Finance | Junior
Jack Brown | brownjp3@miamioh.edu | Zeta | Finance | Sophomore
Colin Cyphers | cypherca@miamioh.edu | Zeta | Finance | Sophomore
Michael Dimoff | dimoffmc@miamioh.edu | Zeta | Finance | Sophomore
Luke Eakin | eakinlr@miamioh.edu | Zeta | Supply Chain Management | Sophomore
John Filopoulos | filopoj@miamioh.edu | Zeta | Finance | Architecture | Senior
David Hernandez | hernanda@miamioh.edu | Zeta | Economics | Junior
Brynne Kirtser | kirtsebe@miamioh.edu | Zeta | Finance | Junior
Nick Madison | madisonh@miamioh.edu | Zeta | Finance | Sophomore
Nick Martins | marti914@miamioh.edu | Zeta | Marketing | Supply Chain Management | Junior
Jack McCarthy | mccar163@miamioh.edu | Zeta | Finance | Senior
Josh McCown | mccownjm@miamioh.edu | Zeta | Finance | Junior
Michael McNaughton | mcnaugmj@miamioh.edu | Zeta | Finance | Sophomore
Matt Pietrantoni | pietrama@miamioh.edu | Zeta | Marketing | Junior
Zach Popham | pophamze@miamioh.edu | Zeta | Business Economics | Sophomore
Carson Porter | porter53@miamioh.edu | Zeta | Supply Chain Management | Sophomore
Nolan Sather | satherna@miamioh.edu | Zeta | Finance | Sophomore
Onur Tektas | tektaso@miamioh.edu | Zeta | Cybersecurity Management | Junior
Joey Vinel | vineljd@miamioh.edu | Zeta | Economics | Sophomore
Jake Walker | walke283@miamioh.edu | Zeta | Accounting | Sophomore
Ella Yorn | yornee@miamioh.edu | Zeta | Marketing & Entreprenuership | Sophomore
Ryan Bowyer | bowyerrj@miamioh.edu | Eta | Business Analytics | Sophomore
Laney Carroll | carroll8@miamioh.edu | Eta | Information Management Systems | Junior
Kate Christian | chris145@miamioh.edu | Eta | Marketing | Junior
Sam Dewald | dewaldsd@miamioh.edu | Eta | Finance | Sophomore
Charlie Drake | drakech2@miamioh.edu | Eta | Finance | Junior
Jack Druckman | druckmjc@miamioh.edu | Eta | Finance | Junior
Trevor Gaskin | gaskintm@miamioh.edu | Eta | Finance | Junior
Sam Gibson | gibsonsj@miamioh.edu | Eta | Finance | Junior
John Harrop | harropjt@miamioh.edu | Eta | Finance | Junior
Ben Hayburn | hayburba@miamioh.edu | Eta | Supply Chain Management | Senior
Reid Haynes | haynesra@miamioh.edu | Eta | Mechanical Engineering | Sophomore
Hudson Hearle | hearleph@miamioh.edu | Eta | Finance | Junior
Summer Holt | holtsl@miamioh.edu | Eta | Marketing | Junior
Luke Johnson | john1726@miamioh.edu | Eta | Finance | Junior
Madison Koroschetz | koroscme@miamioh.edu | Eta | Anthropology | Sophomore
Griffin Kuosman | kuosmagd@miamioh.edu | Eta | Accounting | Junior
Charlie Mahon | mahoncw@miamioh.edu | Eta | Finance | Junior
Katie McGurn | mcgurnkd@miamioh.edu | Eta | Business | Sophomore
CJ Munoz | munozcj@miamioh.edu | Eta | Business Analytics | Sophomore
Grant Must | mustgm@miamioh.edu | Eta | Marketing & Entrepreneurship | Junior
Finn Mygatt | mygattfc@miamioh.edu | Eta | Finance | Junior
Madeline Neukirchner | neukirmm@miamioh.edu | Eta | Marketing | Junior
Kevin Parrish | parriskb@miamioh.edu | Eta | Finance | Junior
Charlie Perry | perryct3@miamioh.edu | Eta | Finance | Junior
Michael Pohrte | pohrtemd@miamioh.edu | Eta | Economics | Junior
Scarlett Purser | pursersr@miamioh.edu | Eta | Real Estate | Sophomore
Elaine Schaft | schaftem@miamioh.edu | Eta | Business | Sophomore
Brady Smith | smithb85@miamioh.edu | Eta | Business | Sophomore
Andrew Willman | willmaad@miamioh.edu | Eta | Business | Sophomore
Cameron Baker | bakercs6@miamioh.edu | Theta | Finance | Freshman
Ben Beauerle | beauerbd@miamioh.edu | Theta | Finance | Freshman
Emma Becker | becker76@miamioh.edu | Theta | Marketing | Freshman
Juliet Becker | becker78@miamioh.edu | Theta | Real Estate | Freshman
Delaney Burke | burkedm@miamioh.edu | Theta | Psychology | Sophomore
Nicholas Cassity | cassitnd@miamioh.edu | Theta | Finance | Freshman
Rocco DeAngelis | deanger2@miamioh.edu | Theta | Finance + Accounting | Freshman
Johnny Doohen | doohenjk@miamioh.edu | Theta | Finance | Sophomore
Evan Henry | henryet@miamioh.edu | Theta | Finance | Sophomore
Claire Kroggel | kroggecg@miamioh.edu | Theta | Undeclared Business | Freshman
Jack McCarthy | mccar192@miamioh.edu | Theta | Marketing + Entrepreneurship | Sophomore
Abbey McGinley | mcginlaj@miamioh.edu | Theta | Marketing | Freshman
Taylor McMillan | mcmillt@miamioh.edu | Theta | Accounting | Freshman
Ian Miller | milleriw@miamioh.edu | Theta | ETBD | Freshman
Daniel Mirza | mirzad@miamioh.edu | Theta | Finance | Freshman
Brigid Nagle | naglebf2@miamioh.edu | Theta | Finance | Freshman
Sophia Raucci | rauccisg@miamioh.edu | Theta | Marketing | Sophomore
Aidan Schmidt | schmi230@miamioh.edu | Theta | Finance | Freshman
Nick Steffas | steffan@miamioh.edu | Theta | Business Analytics | Freshman
Alex Taylor | taylo721@miamioh.edu | Theta | Finance | Freshman
Owen Temple | templeol@miamioh.edu | Theta | Economics | Freshman
Mallory Tompkins | tompkima@miamioh.edu | Theta | Accounting | Sophomore